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You didn't have to wait until Easter to give yourself a break!

Hi Friends, How are you going? Really going? I have been feeling exhausted lately and speaking to many people, I am not alone. I wrote about this back in newsletter no.10. People have been informing me that they feel like it is the end of the year, yet it has only been the first quarter. Why is this? Most of us living on the East Coast of Aus only started this year with half a tank or less of petrol in our emotional and therefore physical energy tank, given all the experiences and continual uncertainty with Covid. I thought my self care routine was enough over the last few months, but given all the change of address hoops we have needed to do and settling not only ourselves into a new community but also my mum, it has been relentless! Professionally I have been busy attending many business meetings both online and in person to try to establish myself again up here. Last week after thinking there must be something else going on with my lack of energy, I had blood tests done and sure enough, I was very low in iron (a score of 22 and it should be more like 222). This is a problem for many vegans and vegetarians who do not eat red meat as I also choose not to. So after a great chat with the lovely naturopath lady who owns the local Health Food store, I left with my iron tonic to drink as although the iron tablets at the chemist store are higher in iron, our bodies don't absorb it as well as plants. Makes sense as this is what our stomachs have been used to for the last million years.

1. Signs of Exhaustion and Burnout

- your Health and Relationships are suffering!! - not enough rest & sleep, poor food choices, lack of exercise, increased alcohol intake etc. - feeling like you are always on, grumpy, less patient, less tolerant, feeling overwhelmed, anxious and stressed You will know, or you might be told by someone who cares about you!! Don't dismiss them or your intuition.

2. Prevention

- Give yourself permission to STOP regularly throughout the day. Even for just 5 minutes!

- Raise your self awareness, before your energy, your health and relationships breakdown.

- Practice more meditation and be more mindful, in the present moment

3. The Solution

What helps you recharge, brings you back to life?

- Spending time in Nature?- Calms us, Grounds us, heals us!

- Spending Quality joyful, rewarding time with Family? Friends? Hobbies?

Happy Easter

May you create a restful and restorative one that is filled with love and joy!

If you would like to discuss this for Consulting, Training or Coaching just book a time when suits.

Know someone else who could use a dose of inspiration in their inbox each week? The please forward it on!

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